Blaze WP Plugin

Blaze Commerce WordPress Plugin

The following covers the various features and capabilities of our Blaze Commerce WordPress Plugin (opens in a new tab).

Redeploying Headless WooCommerce


Blaze Commerce ensures seamless synchronization between your WordPress plugin and your Headless WooCommerce instance. However, certain scenarios might lead to data discrepancies that need manual intervention. Below are typical instances where data might get out of sync:

  • Homepage Layout and Content Adjustments: Changes that affect the overall appearance and structure of your homepage.
  • Site Message Updates: Modifications to critical messages displayed across your site.
  • Navigation Updates: Changes to both primary and footer navigation structures.
  • Bulk Product and Pricing Modifications: Large-scale changes implemented through WooCommerce Advanced Product Labels (opens in a new tab) or discount plugins.

Manual Syncing Procedures

To handle these discrepancies, Blaze Commerce provides robust ‘Sync’ options alongside a ‘Redeploy Store Front’ feature, ensuring that your frontend data consistently reflects your backend configurations.

Important Note: Blaze Commerce leverages Typesense for front-end data storage. The syncing options outlined ensure that the data in Typesense is a mirror of your WordPress/WooCommerce data.

Sync Options

Here are the available sync options that you can use to maintain data integrity across your store:

  • Sync Products: This crucial feature synchronizes all product data. It’s designed to overwrite existing data to ensure accuracy and up-to-date product information.
  • Sync Taxonomies: Use this to align your taxonomies (categories, tags, etc.) across both platforms.
  • Sync Menus: Ensures that any changes in your WordPress menus are accurately reflected in the frontend navigation of your store.
  • Sync Pages: Any updates to your WordPress pages are mirrored on the frontend to maintain consistency in content delivery.
  • Sync Site Info: This syncs global site information such as site title, description, and any custom metadata that affects SEO.
  • Sync All: A comprehensive option that executes all the above syncs in one go. Ideal for significant overhauls or periodic maintenance checks. Note that this option can take 10-15 mins, depending on your store’s number of products and categories.

Redeploy Store Front

After syncing your data, it’s essential to redeploy your headless storefront to reflect these changes in your live environment. This process triggers a complete rebuild of your Blaze Commerce headless WooCommerce store.

  • Triggering a Redeploy: Once all desired data is synced, access the ‘Redeploy Store Front’ feature from your dashboard. Click the ‘Redeploy’ button to start the rebuild process.
  • Duration: The time it takes can vary. For smaller stores with around 100 products, it may take only a few minutes. Larger stores with more extensive inventories will require more time to complete the rebuild.
  • Monitoring Progress: You can monitor the rebuild progress directly from your dashboard. Notifications will inform you once the redeployment is complete.

Step-by-Step Guide to Syncing Your Store

  1. Access the Sync Panel: Log into your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Blaze Commerce in the left admin menu.
  2. Choose Your Sync Option: Select the specific data you need to sync or choose ‘Sync All’ for a complete refresh.
  3. Execute the Sync: Click on the sync button next to your chosen option. A progress indicator will show the sync status.
  4. Redeploy Store Front: Once the sync is complete, use the ‘Redeploy Store Front’ feature to push changes live.

Synonyms Feature for On-site Search

The synonyms feature in the Blaze Commerce platform enhances on-site search by allowing you to define search terms that should be considered equivalent. For example, when you define a synonym for “sneaker” as “shoe,” searching for “sneaker” will now return all records with the word “shoe” in them, in addition to records with the word “sneaker.”

Access Synonyms

Supported Synonym Types

Blaze Commerce supports two types of synonyms for on-site search:

1. One-way Synonyms

One-way synonyms allow you to map a set of terms to a single target term. This means that searches for the target term will return documents containing any of the mapped terms.

Defining “iphone” and “android” as one-way synonyms for “smart phone” will cause searches for “smart phone” to return documents containing “iphone,” “android,” or both.

2. Multi-way Synonyms

Multi-way synonyms create a bidirectional relationship among a set of terms. This means that searches for any term in the set will return documents containing any of the other terms in the set.

Defining “blazer,” “coat,” and “jacket” as multi-way synonyms will cause searches for any one of those words (e.g., “coat”) to return documents containing at least one of the words in the synonym set (e.g., records with “blazer,” “coat,” or “jacket” are returned).

How to Define Synonyms

To define synonyms for your on-site search in Blaze Commerce, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Synonyms Configuration:
    You can access the Blaze Commerce admin panel by logging into your WordPress dashboard, navigating to Blaze Commerce in the left admin menu, and then going to the Synonyms tab.

  2. Add Synonyms:

  • Select the Type:
    Choose between “One-way” and “Multi-way” synonyms based on your requirement.
  • Enter the Words:
    In the input field, list the words you want to define as synonyms, separated by commas.

Example Configuration:

  • Multi-way Synonyms:
  broom, brush, sweeper, besom, whisk, hairbrush

This configuration ensures that a search for any of these words will return results containing any of the listed terms.

  • Multi-way Synonyms:
  bin, crate, box, can, drum

This configuration ensures that a search for any of these words will return results containing any of the listed terms.

  1. Save Changes:
    Click on the “Save Changes” button to apply your synonym definitions.

Practical Use Cases

  • E-commerce: Enhance product search results by mapping various product names and terms (e.g., “sneaker” to “shoe”), improving the shopping experience.
  • Content Management: Boost content discoverability by associating synonyms (e.g., “article” to “post” and “blog”), making it easier for users to find relevant information.

By utilizing the synonyms feature, Blaze Commerce significantly enhances the on-site search functionality, ensuring users find the content they’re looking for more efficiently.